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Respiratory Care Coordination: Building Respiratory Support Throughout the Care Management Team

This presentation will highlight the role that RTs can play in the post-acute setting. As the experts in lung disease we are well positioned to play a critical role in the assessment, education and management of patients with lung disease. These patients range from children with asthma through older adults with COPD. With an RT coordinating, outcomes can be improved, patient satisfaction increased and the cost of care decreased.  Join us as our presenter shares her experience in a successful program to manage patients in the community setting.

Successful completion of this course requires a score of 70% on the post-test.

Original webcast date: September 13, 2023

**Please note that all programs require the participant to view the entire program prior to taking the final quiz and obtaining a course certificate.**


Approved for 1.00 CRCE Hours.


Identify the most common social determinants of health that prevent and/or inhibit positive health outcomes
List and discuss priority interventions for patients enrolled in a COPD Program
Discuss the broad range of needs for the school-aged child with a diagnosis of asthma
Discuss multiplication of RT services through extended members of the care management team.


Respiratory Care Coordination: Building Respiratory Support Throughout the Care Management Team

Speaker Information

Timothy Buckley, MSc, RRT, FAARC