Advanced Ventilator Modes in the PICU
Advanced ventilator modes such as high-frequency, airway pressure release ventilation, and neurally assisted ventilatory assist are often utilized in the pediatric ICU for patients with respiratory failure. This lecture will discuss the physiology of each mode, evidence supporting each mode, and what patient populations may benefit from individual modes. What we have learned so far from clinical studies, animal models, and bench studies will be discussed.
Approved for 1.0 CRCE
Speaker Information
Presenter: Andrew G. Miller, MSc, RRT, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, FAARC
Moderator: Brian K. Walsh, PhD, RRT, RRT-NPS, RRT-ACCS, RPFT, AE-C, FAARC
Mechanical Ventilation: Liberation and Long-Term
Patients who require mechanical ventilation for a longer period of time may require unique strategies for effective ventilation and, optimally, liberation from the mechanical ventilator. The presenter will define key terms related to long-term mechanical ventilation and liberation from mechanical ventilation as well as discuss effective weaning techniques and strategies for effective patient care.
Approved for 1.0 CRCE
Speaker Information
Brian Carlin, MD
RCJ May 2022: "Patient-Ventilator Synchrony in NAVA and Variable PSV"
In this presentation the speaker will discuss the Editor’s Choice of the May 2022 issue of RESPIRATORY CARE “Patient-Ventilator Synchrony in Neurally Adjusted Ventilator Assist (NAVA) and Variable Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV)”. The presentation will focus on the research design and interpretation of the results.
Approved for 1.0 CRCE
Speaker Information
Presenter: John Davies MA, RRT, FAARC, FCCP
Moderator: Amanda M. Dexter, MS, RRT, CHSE
Recognizing Work Shifting and Asynchrony During Breath Delivery
Recent advancements in the monitoring of patients receiving mechanical ventilation have led to a deeper understanding of patient-ventilator interaction. Although these advanced monitoring tools may not be commonly available, the bedside clinician can utilize the concepts learned and apply them to expected changes evident on scalar waveforms. This presentation will draw off these concepts and apply the Equation of Motion to recognize abnormalities and work shifting during breath delivery.
Approved for 1.0 CRCE
Speaker Information
Presenter: Eric Kriner BS, RRT
Moderator: Joe Hylton MA, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, NREMT-P, FAARC
The Art of Mechanical Ventilation: Patient-Ventilator Interaction
The primary goal of this presentation is to provide an engaging learning experience with respect to the use of mechanical ventilator waveforms in patient assessment. This presentation will describe how to interpret waveform scalars for the presence of patient-ventilator asynchrony, discuss the cause and clinical implications of the asynchrony, and finally provide recommendations for modifications to set ventilator parameters in an attempt to correct the asynchrony.
Speaker Information
Presenter: Eric Kriner BS, RRT
Moderator: Joe Hylton MA, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, NREMT-P, FAARC