NBRC Discount

NBRC Discount  
Wednesday, January 01, 2025 - Tuesday, December 31, 2030   iCalendar Eastern Standard Time

NBRC Discount - This is registration to receive a one-time $40 discount on NBRC credentialing exams. Only Active members of the AARC are eligible for this discount. If you are not an Active AARC member you must join the AARC, or renew your membership.

HOW TO USE THE DISCOUNT- After registration you will receive an email specific to you that includes links to the NBRC site for each eligible credentialing exam. We recommend that you are logged out of the NBRC website before using the links provided in the email. The discount will be applied at checkout. The one-time discount is available for the following exams- Clinical Simulation Exam, Neonatal/Pediatric Specialist Exam, Adult Critical Care Specialist Exam, Sleep Disorders Specialist Exam, and Pulmonary Function Technology Exam. The discount is NOT available for the Therapist Multiple Choice (TMC) Exam.

NBRC Discount