Safe & Effective Staffing Guide (Premium)
Member: $299.00
Non-Member: $369.00Your price
“The Safe & Effective Staffing Guide: Achieving Your Mission to Deliver Value-Based Respiratory Care Services” is designed for new RC managers/leaders and those wishing to convert to a validated methodology by which to make value-based staffing decisions. The PREMIUM version provides the purchases with all of the tools and resources needed to effectively communicate the value proposition of using time standards as the foundation for staffing determinants and productivity measures to the C-Suite. This version of “The Guide” includes:
- Overview/Introduction
- User-created Activity Tables
- Time Standards for Clinical Activities
- The 5th Edition of the Uniform Reporting Manual
- Support Activities
- Methodology for “The Guide”
- CPT Code Table
- Time Standards
- Staffing Plan Template
- Value-Efficiency (Position Statement and Issue Paper)
- Case Studies
- EMR Integration Application
- Staffing Tool/Productivity Workbooks
- Annotated Bibliography
- Free updates and ongoing support x 3 years
- Exclusive, invitation-only access to an interactive webcast with the 2 primary authors of The Guide. Learn how to maximize use of The Guide, communicate value-based productivity measurement to the C-Suite, reduce overtime, develop forecasting strategies and much, much more.
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