2021 Medicare Payment Guide for RT

2021 Medicare Payment Guide for RT

Coding Resources

Quick, pratical, and convenient access to current and complete payment information.

With the fast-paced world of healthcare and the struggles of everyday operations, we know your time is valuable. The busier your schedule, the more you'll appreciate ths convenient reference! It provides the easiest, fastest pathway to current Medicare payment informaiton for a full range of respirtaory therapy and cardipulmonary services: EKGs, stress tests, sleep studies and many more. You don't hav time for the inconvience and hassle of searching through multiple Medicare files to dissect APC and payment informaiton. In one resource, you'll find the detail you need - payment information an dambulatory payment classifications (APCs) - to determine whether you're receiving the full appropriate reimbursement, while complying with regulatory requirements.

Features & Benefits

* Provides Medicare payment information for all services performed in your RT/pulmonary function, cardiopulmonary and sleep study departments.

* Fully Updated with the latest codes, APC assignments, status indicators, and payment rates.

* Divided into two main sections:

       1. APCs for typical procedures

       2. CPT/HCPCS codes included in the APCs, with current payment rates and status indicators

* At-a-glance tables with crosswalks compare the prior year payment rate to the current rate giving you instant detail on the changes.

* Key to status indicators at the bottom of every other page, guiding you through Medicare payment policies.

Item will ship in mid December. ITEM# BKCM2021 MedLearn

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