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Capacity Strain as a Staffing Model: Managing Resources to Support Safety and Value

Capacity strain in the context of Respiratory Care may be defined as excessive demands on resources or abilities. Provider capacity strain is associated with increased mortality, longer lengths of stay, decreased adherence to protocols and worsened outcomes. Given current Respiratory Care staffing challenges and complex workflows, understanding elements of capacity strain and implementing methods to compensate for strain reduce service variability and support value-based efforts.

Successful completion of this course requires a score of 70% on the post-test.

Original broadcast date: January 16, 2024

**Please note that all programs require the participant to view the entire program prior to taking the final quiz and obtaining a course certificate.**

Approved for 1.00 CRCE Hours.


Summarize the current body of literature
Identify elements of capacity strain
Review examples of strain
Highlight methods for managing strain


Capacity Strain as a Staffing Model: Managing Resources to Support Safety and Value

Speaker Information

Presenter: Charlotte Reikofski, MSPH, MPA, RRT
Moderator: David M. Wheeler M.Ed, RRT-NPS, FAARC